These three tools will help you to write original novels and to get that first draft down fast.


If you are like me and you get distracted by every little thing around you when writing then this is the editor for you.

lt’s life’s purpose is to make writing as distraction-free as possible. The interface is completely customizable to fit your needs and the full-screen tool hides all other applications.

It will not keep your cat from your keyboard or your children from tearing the house apart, but it will give you that extra nudge to stay focussed.


Your novel will not win the Hugo Award in 2025 if riddled with cliches.’s Cliche Finder flags overused and predictable phrases in your story. It makes your prose more original.

They offer other AI-powered tools like a Novel Planner, but the AI tries to do the creative heavy lifting there. Which will not help your story stand out.

However, one of my favorites is the Speed Typist. No matter how fast and grammatically incorrect you type, it will turn it into legible text. If you’re eager to get your first draft done fast, this tool is a must.


Milanote is my go-to tool for brainstorming new ideas. Their tool is based on the philosophy that the creative process is non-linear. Ideas should flow freely.

The app gives you a bird-eye view of your outline, scenes, characters, world and more.

Start with a first novel idea and build a mind map around it. Explore new directions at ease. Start free, fitting it together in a water-tight outline comes later.